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This blog is the brainchild of Lori and Kelly, penny-pinching twenty-somethings and decade-long friends who, in the pursuit of fitness, have embarked upon an exhausting and self-deprecatingly unforgettable journey. These are true stories, meant to show the great lengths two girls will go through to get fit - on a budget. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent (and the not-so-innocent.)
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Will Stretch with Tweety-Lover for Free Yoga Class

As I struggle with my uncontrollable urge to giggle, I open one eye to peer over at Lori who, to my surprise, is letting out a hearty “Oh-mmm” with a very “Zen” look on her face.
“Oh no,” I thought to myself, “Lori has been yogafied.”   
As I spoke of our current gym woes (i.e. having to pay to go) at work one day, my coworker mentioned that there was another community center nearby that offered exercise classes and had a small gym.  She also noted that they had a decent rate and directed me to their website. I rushed to my computer to check it out. With all the excitement of a glutton having just discovered the newest hostess cake to hit the market, I eagerly sent a text to Lori with the news! We had a new “gym” to check out. And the best part? The first visit was FREE!
We planned to head over to the BG Community Center on Thursday after work. There was a yoga class at 5:30 that we wanted to try, but we would just get there in time.  Having never been to a yoga class before, I left work a little early so I could run to Target for a mat. The last thing I wanted was to show up mat-less, giving myself away as the yoga virgin that I was.  
Armed with my new blue mat, I rushed home to change for class. Running late myself, I was frantic when I got a text from Lori saying that she was stuck in traffic. We decided that I would head over, in order to reserve our spots in the class and she would just meet me there. 
I pulled into the BG Community Center parking lot at 5:28. There were only two cars in the parking lot. Had I gotten the wrong time? The wrong place? As I rushed inside, I noticed a girl on the bench outside talking on her phone with yoga mat to her side. Class was due to start in seconds…what was she doing outside?  Having read online that class space was limited, I worried that she didn’t make the cut. But if that was the case, where were all of the cars?!
 I nervously approached the counter and asked the nice, older gentleman if the yoga class was full. Behind me, I hear a robust “HA!!” I turn around to see a large, middle-aged woman in a tweety bird t-shirt laughing at me. “It’s just me and the teacher!” she says, pointing to the girl on the bench who is still chatting away on her phone.  In this moment, I knew that my first yoga experience would be anything but typical…
to be continued....